A Dwyer

Pay-or-Work Agreement

Each adult resident will do a minimum of two hours of community work per month, or will pay $20 an hour for any time not worked.

“Adult” is defined as a person age eighteen or older, in residence at Wasatch Commons more than half the time for more than a month.

The obligation of work or payment is based on the number of adult residents in the household, and the ultimate responsibility to work or pay is upon the owner of the unit.

If a unit has no residents meeting this definition of adult, the owner is nonetheless responsible each month for work hours or payment for one adult.

Hours worked by a resident may be credited to another member of the same household.

The money paid is used to hire out physically the labor of landscaping, maintenance and upkeep of property, to be controlled and managed by the Management team.

Work credit is recorded publicly on a task board on the honor system and reported publicly by a tabulator monthly.

Hours worked in excess of the monthly requirements and reported as cumulative may be used for work credit in future months. Reporting hours as cumulative is at the discretion of the person reporting the hours based on his/her conscientious evaluation of the task as seasonal and necessary.

For now, each adult resident decides for themselves what is community work.

There will be a one-month grace period to accrue hours before the first month in which payment is required.

Payments can be made with a separate check payable to “Wasatch Commons Cohousing Association” or “WCCA” and marked “pay or play” “power plan” or “maintenance fee.” The method of handling payments will be determined by management committee or by an individual or group designated by and reporting to management.

The Power plan starts August 1, 2011. The grace period to earn work credits is August with the first monthly maintenance payments from those who have not earned work credits during the previous month due September 1, 2011.

Each adult resident and owner will be notified in writing prior to August 1, 2011 by the management committee or its agents.

This start date applies to the already consensed provisions of the POWer plan. New provisions will be effective at the beginning of the month following their consensus.

Crown resident fees will increase when leases are renewed. Until the lease is renewed, Crown members are requested to voluntarily participate or pay.

There will be an evaluation of the work-or-pay system in six months.

as amended August 26, 2012